Get to Know your S.O.!
Every week, get to know one of your Summerville Orchestra's very own musicians. Hear their stories, how they got here, how they got involved in the orchestra, and most importantly, hear them play the very pieces that inspire(d) them on their own instruments. What better way to connect with your favorite orchestra than to get to know the very players at the heart and center of the music.
Get to Know your S.O.!
Ep. 8 - Lillian Garcia, Percussion
Ep. 8 - Lillian Garcia,
I'm thrilled to be joined by a former Bob Stone Award recipient, member of the SOJazzy Ensemble and wonderful spirit in our percussion section, Lillian Garcia.
Not many people can say they were debating between aeronautical engineering and music, but that was the case for Lillian. She grew in Virginia, and is a big Orioles fan. In the podcast, we talk about how she met Cal Ripken Jr, stood on the mound at Camden Yard, and how she travelled all over the country with her husband, Jericho. Four years ago, Lillian joined our orchestra, and we've had many great times ever since, which we talk about in the podcast.
At the end, Lillian demonstrates the capabilities and sounds of some of the more portable instruments in the percussion section in this unique informance!