Get to Know your S.O.!
Every week, get to know one of your Summerville Orchestra's very own musicians. Hear their stories, how they got here, how they got involved in the orchestra, and most importantly, hear them play the very pieces that inspire(d) them on their own instruments. What better way to connect with your favorite orchestra than to get to know the very players at the heart and center of the music.
Get to Know your S.O.!
Ep. 9 - Dean Glace, Principal Trumpet, Founder, Librarian, Board of Directors President
Episode 9 - Dean Glace, Principal Trumpet
As the title suggests, Dean wears MANY hats in the S.O. One of the founding members of our groups, Dean plays pivotal roles in the orchestra both behind the scenes, and as a playing member. But, his story goes far beyond our S.O.! Dean's story is unique, full of adventure, and of course, travel! He's been to over 70 countries, served in the Navy for over 29 years, and has lived in Summerville since he retired over 20 years ago. Believe me when I tell you that this is just the tip of the iceberg - you know what, don't just take my word, come join us and take a listen!
At the end of the podcast, Dean plays two of his favorite pieces for us: Tomaso Albinoni's Adagio in G minor and the Adagio and Allegro Marziale by Georg Friedrich Handel.