Get to Know your S.O.!
Every week, get to know one of your Summerville Orchestra's very own musicians. Hear their stories, how they got here, how they got involved in the orchestra, and most importantly, hear them play the very pieces that inspire(d) them on their own instruments. What better way to connect with your favorite orchestra than to get to know the very players at the heart and center of the music.
Get to Know your S.O.!
Ep. 1 - Edmund Thornton Jenkins & Charlestonia
Season 2, Episode 1
Welcome back everyone! We're back for another season of "Get to know your S.O.!" This time, things are a bit different; we're going to be covering music topics that are relevant, interesting, fun, and...well..things we want you to know! Topics chosen by us, your Summerville Orchestra.
Today's topic: Edmund Thornton Jenkins. Arguably a forgotten composer, this Charleston native wrote some incredible music in his short life. He spent a large portion of his life abroad, and perhaps its this reason that his kept him off of our musical radars here in the US. But, his music is chock full of Charleston - Gullah music, jazz, folk songs, work/field songs, brass bands of his youth, and more. Luckily for us, he was able to codify his musical expressions about his hometown in a folk rhapsody he titled: Charlestonia. Today, we have the distinct privilege of bringing this composer and his music back to life.