Get to Know your S.O.!
Every week, get to know one of your Summerville Orchestra's very own musicians. Hear their stories, how they got here, how they got involved in the orchestra, and most importantly, hear them play the very pieces that inspire(d) them on their own instruments. What better way to connect with your favorite orchestra than to get to know the very players at the heart and center of the music.
Get to Know your S.O.!
Ep. 3 - Should you get a music degree these days?
Episode 3 - Should you get a music degree these days?
With everything going on in the world, it may seem a better time to ask: should you get a music degree with that industry basically at a standstill right now? Inn today's podcast, we attempt to give you some facts and data to help you make that decision for yourself. Its a highly personal one, with highly personal variables and goals, and for that reason - we try to steer away from a yes or no. We just help give you some things to think about!
First, (4:08) we start out by giving you some data - number of degrees, average wages, employment statistics, tuition costs, etc. We then look at Juilliard specifically and the "Juilliard effect," before asking once more - "So, should you go to music school?" (10:00) Well, as we said, its a highly personal choice that is influenced by many factors, and we go over those (20:03) step-by-step. Hopefully, it helps you make a better decision. So, should you? We circle back (33:50), before ending the podcast with the "best thing I heard this week!"
This week? Its forgotten Polish composer Mieczyslaw Karlowicz's Symphonic Poem "Eternal Songs", op. 10 No. 2 - Song of Love and Death (performed by Antoni Wit and the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra). A highly gorgeous piece of late Romantic Polish classical music; a must listen.
And who knows - even if you get nothing out of the first part, you at least get to listen to some gorgeous music at the end!