Get to Know your S.O.!
Every week, get to know one of your Summerville Orchestra's very own musicians. Hear their stories, how they got here, how they got involved in the orchestra, and most importantly, hear them play the very pieces that inspire(d) them on their own instruments. What better way to connect with your favorite orchestra than to get to know the very players at the heart and center of the music.
Get to Know your S.O.!
Ep. 7 - Alternate Careers in "Music" (feat. Erin Yardley)
Episode 7 - Alternate Careers in "Music", featuring our principal horn, Erin Yardley, who is also an instrument technician with Southern String Supply in Mt. Pleasant.
There is a misconception that you have limited options out there when you graduate with a music degree. Basically...you can perform or teach. But...is it true? Today, we talk about the wide variety of career paths that a music degree can set you up for, how a music education can help you learn valuable and hirable skills outside the field, and even other music-industry jobs that are NOT performance or education - because lets face it - they're not for everyone. We're all different, unique, and have our own story; sometimes, your story doesn't fit the majority. Today, we help you think outside the box if you're considering stepping into the field.